Lawrence University is a residential liberal arts college and conservatory of music, both devoted exclusively to undergraduate education. It is a supportive and welcoming academic community of 1,500 intellectually curious, diverse, multi-interested students from nearly every state and 50 countries—all committed to a rigorous and challenging educational experience.
(see more)Lawrence University is a residential liberal arts college and conservatory of music, both devoted exclusively to undergraduate education. It is a supportive and welcoming academic community of 1,500 intellectually curious, diverse, multi-interested students from nearly every state and 50 countries—all committed to a rigorous and challenging educational experience.
Phi Beta Kappa
Twenty-four Lawrence University students were elected to Phi Beta Kappa. They were honored at the 2022 Honors Awards & Prizes ceremony.

Honor Society -
2022 Jul 31
Lawrence University students elected to national honor society
Students elected to the Lawrence University chapter of Lambda, Sigma, a national honor society that fosters leadership, scholarship, fellowship and the spirit of service.

Honor Society -
2015 May 7

Lawrence University students elected to national honor society
Students elected to the Lawrence University chapter of Lambda Sigma, a national honor society that fosters leadership, scholarship, fellowship and the spirit of service.

Honor Society -
2015 May 7

Lawrence University students elected to national music honor society
Students elected to the Lawrence University chapter of Pi Kappa Lambda, a national honor society for students with exceptional musical and scholastic achievements.

Honor Society -
2015 May 1

Lawrence University students elected to national honor society
Students elected to the Lawrence University chapter of Mortar Board, a national honor society that recognizes outstanding leadership, scholarship and service to the academic community.

Honor Society -
2015 May 1
Lawrence University students elected to national honor society
Students elected to the Lawrence University chapter of Mortar Board, a national honor society that recognizes outstanding leadership, scholarship and service to the academic community.

Honor Society -
2015 May 1
Lawrence University seniors elected to Phi Beta Kappa national honor society
Seniors elected to the Lawrence University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest academic honor society in America.

Honor Society -
2015 Apr 24

Lawrence University Freshman Elected to Lambda SIgma Honor Society
Adam McDonald has been elected to Lawrence University's chapter of Lambda Sigma, a national honor society that fosters leadership, scholarship, fellowship and the spirit of service. Students are initiated at the end of their freshman year.

Honor Society -
2014 May 20

Lawrence University Students Elected to Mortar Board Honor Society
The following students have been elected to Lawrence University's chapter of Mortar Board, a national honor society that recognizes outstanding leadership, scholarship and service to the academic community.

Honor Society -
2014 May 19

Lawrence University Students Elected to Lambda Sigma Honor Society
The following students were elected to the Lawrence University chapter of Lambda Sigma, a national honor society that fosters leadership, scholarship, fellowship and the spirit of service.

Honor Society -
2014 May 19
Lawrence Student Elected to Pair of Honor Societies
Senior Josie Gomez has been elected to Lawrence University's chapter of Phi Beta Kappa and Pi Kappa Lambda honor societies.

Honor Society -
2014 May 9
Area Students Elected to Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society
The following area students have been elected to the Lawrence University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest honorary society in America. Phi Beta Kappa awards membership to seniors who have demonstrated superior scholarship.

Honor Society -
2014 Jan 31

Area Students Elected to Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society at Lawrence University
The following area students have been elected to the Lawrence University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest honorary society in America. Phi Beta Kappa awards membership to seniors who have demonstrated superior scholarship. Formal initiation will be held on June 8.

Honor Society -
2013 May 15

Area Students Elected to Music Honor Society at Lawrence University
The following area students have been elected to Lawrence University's chapter of Pi Kappa Lambda, a national honor society for students with exceptional musical and scholastic achievements. Formal induction ceremonies will be conducted June 1.

Honor Society -
2013 May 14

Area Students Elected to Lawrence University Honor Society
The following area students have been elected to Lawrence University's chapter of Lambda Sigma, a national honor society that fosters leadership, scholarship, fellowship and the spirit of service. Students are initiated at the end of their freshman year.

Honor Society -
2013 Apr 29
Area Students Elected to Lawrence University Honor Society
The following area students have been elected to Lawrence University's chapter of Mortar Board, a national honor society that recognizes outstanding leadership, scholarship and service to the academic community.

Honor Society -
2013 Apr 25
Area Students Elected to Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society
The following area students have been elected to the Lawrence University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest honorary society in America. Phi Beta Kappa awards membership to seniors who have demonstrated superior scholarship.

Honor Society -
2013 Jan 11

Area Students Elected to Pi Kappa Lambda Honor Society
Area students have been elected to Lawrence University's chapter of Pi Kappa Lambda, a national honor society for students with exceptional musical and scholastic achievements.

Honor Society -
2012 May 21

Area Students Elected to Mortar Board at Lawrence University
The following area students have been elected to Mortar Board at Lawrence University, a national honor society that recognizes outstanding leadership, scholarship and service to the academic community.

Honor Society -
2012 May 15

Area Students Elected to Lawrence University Honor Society
Area students have been elected to Lawrence University's chapter of Lambda Sigma, a national honor society that fosters leadership, scholarship, fellowship and the spirit of service. Students are initiated at the end of their freshman year.

Honor Society -
2012 May 15
Area Students Elected to Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society
The following area students have been elected to the Lawrence University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest honorary society in America.

Honor Society -
2012 May 15